Es gibt viele Gründe, das Concept2 Online-Logbuch zu nutzen.
Doch zunächst einmal, was genau macht das Online Logbuch? Continue Reading ›
Here are some great, 30-minute workout ideas from our archives. From 1991 to 2003, Larry Gluckman served Concept2 as our Human Resource person--and everyone’s personal coach. Larry had coached numerous Olympic and National Team crews in the years before he joined Concept2, and went back to coaching after he left us. His workout wisdom is evergreen, and well worth reposting 25 years later—with a few updates to reflect that fact that we now have the SkiErg and BikeErg in addition to our RowErg.
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Die Concept2 Holiday Challenge wurde vor 20 Jahren ins Leben gerufen, um Menschen zu ermutigen, in der hektischen Vorweihnachtszeit motiviert und gesund zu bleiben. Im Jahr 2008 haben wir die Holiday Challenge um eine gemeinnützige Komponente erweitert: Concept2 spendet Geld an ausgewählte Wohltätigkeitsorganisationen auf der Grundlage Ihrer gesammelten Challenge-Meter. Continue Reading ›
We are excited to announce that the latest PM5 firmware update includes Ergathlon—a workout option that combines the RowErg, SkiErg and BikeErg.
With an Ergathlon, you can connect up to three different ergs into one workout. As you transition from one erg to the next, the results are combined to give you your final time. Transition times count! Continue Reading ›
Die World Rowing Virtual Indoor Sprints (WRVIS) sind eine Initiative von Concept2 und World Rowing. Die WRVIS sind eine virtuelle Indoor Rowing Meisterschaft nach dem Vorbild der erfolgreichen SkiErg World Sprints. Continue Reading ›
Die jährlichen SkiErg World Sprints finden diesmal vom 10.-12. November 2017 statt. Mach es zu deinem Trainingsziel und nimm daran teil! Wir stellen gerne den Trainingsplan zur Verfügung und Tips, wie du am meisten aus deiner Technik holst! Continue Reading ›
In response to increased participation in our World Records and the expansion of our equipment offerings, Concept2 is introducing several new world record categories. Today, we are announcing world records for pieces done using Slides and a limited number of categories for pieces done using the Dynamic Indoor Rower. We will, of course, continue to maintain “static” indoor rower records. Continue Reading ›